Four years FARBE BLAU
When I asked myself four years ago, during the corona crisis, whether I would like to leave my permanent job and become an entrepreneur myself, I never thought I would be so happy and proud of my own communications agency today. After 20 years of marketing at BMW, it took me a moment to decide to take this step. Today, I am very happy to have had the courage to use the expertise I gained and set up my own business.
I look back with gratitude on the past four moving years of the company’s development, on all the people who have accompanied me and believed in me. The growth of the agency would not have been possible without the broad network, the close industry contacts and the deep understanding of agile brand management. It is a gift to constantly grow in the face of ongoing challenges, especially through our cross-industry communication, which we implement every day with a focus on brand building. We have a trusting and appreciative working relationship with our customers and partners that inspires and fulfills us.
Personally, what fulfills me most is that I have been able to build such a great team over the years. Everyone brings not only expertise, but also the passion it takes to turn ideas into successful brand strategies. With the creativity of each individual, mutual respect and fun in communication, we have built up an excellent reputation as a reliable partner in brand communication.

I am proud of us and so happy to rock the big, small, colorful, complicated and special together every day 🚀!!!
With a clear focus on innovative brand management and tailored communication, FARBE BLAU was able to record dynamic, cross-industry growth despite a challenging macroeconomic and pandemic-influenced initial period.
In the coming years, I would like to further expand the market position of FARBE BLAU GmbH and support companies in their brand development with targeted marketing activities across all touchpoints.